
Bank Your Brilliance™

A ONE-of-a-kind, accelerated program that will help you make your first $1K. The beginning stages of your business require simplicity. In this self-paced course, I walk you through every single step inside the Bank Your Brilliance™ program so your time and energy are focused on serving and earning. We remove all the distracting bells and whistles to focus exclusively on your offer, pricing, positioning, and sales. Each module inside Bank Your Brilliance™ is designed to address the foundational skills to help you earn your first $1K.

The Details

Module 1: Package Uncover who you are, and who you’re meant to serve, and tap into your unique gifts. This is where we’ll discover how to create, package, and name your signature offer.

Module 2: Position Create brand stories that connect with your audience, lead them to your signature offer, and persuade them to purchase. Your story is what sets you apart from other experts.

Module 3: Pricing Reprogram your money fear and radically shift your limiting belief around money so that you cultivate a life of financial abundance.

Module 4: Profit You’ll learn how to make your offers and plan your launch calendar like a 4+ figure CEO.